County Bank subscribes to a number of publications and newsletters that provide information about topics of interest related to cybersecurity, social media, computer technology, Internet security and related topics. One of these newsletters is “OUCH”, a monthly security awareness newsletter for computer users. We hope these articles will keep you informed and, most of all aware, of things you can do to protect yourself and your personal information.
Guard Your Heart (and Wallet) Against Romance Scams
Romance scams are a cruel form of decption where criminals exploit the desire for love and connection while gaining the affection and trust of the victim. Read more to find out how to protect yourself against Romance Scams.
Going on Vacation? Simple Steps to Make it Cybersecure
The summer season is upon us, and soon millions of people will be traveling all over the world. If you are going on vacation, here are some travel tips to hep keep your cyber savvy and safe.
Top Three Ways Cyber Attackers Target You
Social engineering attacks, in which adversaries trick people into doing something they shouldn't, are one of the most common methods that cyber attackers use to target people. The concept has been used by con artists and scammers for thousands of years. What is new is that the Internet makes it very easy for a cyber-criminal anywhere in the world to pretend to be anyone they want and target anyone they want. Below are the three most common types of social engineering methods that cyber attackers will use to try to engage and fool you.
Messaging Do's and Dont's
Messaging serves as a primary mode of communication in both our personal and professional lives. However, quite often we can be our own worst enemy when it comes to text messaging safely and securely. Learn the most common mistakes people make and how you can avoid them in yoru day-to-day lives.